Weather data and forecasts with 24/7 meteorological support for winter service and road maintenance.

Because you
need to know

Meteorological support and forecasts for wing de-icing and airport runways.

Because you
need to know

Weather forecasts and custom data for rails and overhead lines for fall, winter, summer and spring.

Because you
need to know

Surface forecasts, route-based forecasts and high-end measurement instruments for your service operations.

Because you
need to know

Custom forecasts and individual dashboards with local weather data for cities, communities and counties.

Because you
need to know
Weather Solutions offers special forecasts all around the year for road service and road maintenance, airports, railway services and private winter service providers.
With our advanced data from our MeteoFocus weather portal you will be able to prepare your staff and resources for critical conditions and plan your deployment and your routes accordingly.
- Plan your operations according to heat, storm and snow
- Benefit from ice warnings and forecasts
- Support your team and comply with occupational health and safety rules
- Coordinate your standby service in case of storms and slippery conditions
- Use our route weather forecast to optimize your logistical planning
Surface Forecast
Temperature and condition forecasts, from bridges, roads, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, airplane wings to overhead lines and rails
Route-based forecast
Precise forecast mapping of road conditions, road temperatures and warning levels for 24 hours, along the route
Measurement Instruments
Get the most up-to-date weather data for your local hotspots with our best-in-class weather stations and sensors
Summer Weather Data
Danger potential for heat, UV exposure, thunderstorms, heavy/continuous rain, storms, green areas (dry/ wet) and leaf fall
Winter Weather Data
Dedicated winter weather forecasts for freezing rain, snowfall, ice, smoothness and slipperiness as well as de-icing recommendations
24/7 Support
Clarify all your open questions about your local area at our 24/7 hotline with licensed meteorologists on duty
Some of our customers

Stefan Klinger
Head of Road Maintenance, Winter Service, Forest & Zoo, Municipality of Recklinghausen, Germany
Thorsten Stöwer
General Manager, Stöwer Winterdienst
Christian Dietrich-Steul
Head of Operations, FFR Winter Service Frankfurt, Germany
Kai Lorenz
Lorenz Winterdienst und Gartenbau
Georgio Buchs and Sebastian Nuhn
Construction Yard Management, City of Kaufbeuren, Germany
Traugott Oßwald and Daniel Kast
Operations Yard and Winter Service Manager at the City of Neu-Ulm, Germany

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